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Gerard Dion

A Novel (2nd Edition)


A chance to ‘give back’ to mankind in appreciation for all that a successful career, a great life, and good health has provided. Or, perhaps, it’s the achievement of your 15 minutes of fame, your last hurrah, the final fight before you retire from the battlefield forever!


I want to share my thoughts with you. Maybe in the sharing of my aspiration, I will arouse your imagination and interest. I believe in the value of a positive point of view regarding the future, so at this time in my life, as you know, I believe I can do about anything that I set out to do, and I do believe in the power of one man to change the world. Other men have done so, some for good, some for bad. I have a dream, and I believe dreams lead to visions, and big visions to big plans and potentially to big achievements. I believe dreams and visions are the cornerstones of inspiration, and when coupled with planning and organization and focus, result in a powerful, powerful force.

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